WMAR is home to Maryland's Most Accurate weather team.
Meteorologists Stevie Daniels, Ally Blake and Chris Swaim are the team here at WMAR to get you through the good days and the bad days.
This spring was dry, and despite recent rains, we are behind in rain totals. But we know Maryland's weather can change, fast.
Because of how fast things can change Maryland Department of Emergency Management wants you to always "Know Your Zone"

This will help you know where to go in case you have to evacuate during Hurricane season, whether you are vacationing on the shore or visiting family along the bay.
Make sure you are also following MDEM on social media, so you can get updates no matter where you are. You can find them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Watch vs. Warning
A "WATCH" means the conditions are favorable for the development of severe weather. A WARNING means severe weather is occurring or is about to occur, so you need to take action, immediately.
And having a plan for your family is the best way to stay safe. The National Weather Service says remember these 3 things:
- GET IN: if you are outside, get inside, as far into a building as possible
- GET DOWN: get into the lowest level of the structure
- COVER UP: use pillows or blankets to cover up and protect your body from flying debris

And remember to download the FREE WMAR-2 News app. Our team of Meteorologists will keep you updated on all the weather events heading our way. You can also get more details updates from our weather blogs.