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Marylanders are raising funds for L.A. fire victims

Anne Arundel County Public Schools launches it's #LiftLA campaign
and last updated

BALTIMORE COUNTY, Md. — The fires devastating Los Angeles have moved people from across the country to try to help - including those in Greater Baltimore.

There have been several local efforts to raise money for the victims of the destruction.

Central among them has been the owner of north Baltimore's Metro Gallery, who grew up in California.

WMAR's Elizabeth Worthington profiled that fundraising earlier this week.

The Anne Arundel County Public Schools system announced it's launching a #LiftLA campaign to raise funds for the Los Angeles Unified School District students and their families.

AACPS Superintendent Mark Bedell wrote in a message to the school community that, starting Jan. 22 (the second semester) through Feb. 28, students or parents can take donations to their schools or offices at any time.

The checks can be made out to the Education Foundation of Anne Arundel County Public Schools with the notation #LiftLA in the memo line, and online donations can be made at

Bedell said:

The Belong, Grow, Succeed mindset we try to impart to students every day is sometimes bigger than our own community and this is an opportunity to step up and help. I would like to think others would do something to help our students if we were in this situation, and I am confident we will rise to this challenge to offer at least some relief to children and families in Los Angeles.

This Saturday, another north Baltimore club - down the street from Metro Gallery - is holding a Wildfire Disaster Relief Fundraiser, with no cover charge and all donations going to the American Red Cross of Greater Los Angeles.

It's Factory 17/Club 1722, at 1722 North Charles Street. Some more information is here.

On Ja. 25, local craft-beer group The Bmore Brew Crew will raise money at Max's Taphouse in Fells Point.

"Beers for a Benefit" will raise funds for The American Red Cross Wildfire Relief Fund. From 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., they're offering raffles, special guests, behind-the-scenes tours, and more.

Beers for a Benefit
Beers for a Benefit

The Associated (Baltimore's Jewish federation) has been raising money through a dedicated California Wildfire Emergency Fund, as have many local congregations through their national church bodies.

The Hotel Revival, in Baltimore's Mt. Vernon neighborhood, recently donated some of its proceeds to the victims.

It's also offering space "for anyone in need of relocation and a safe place to rest," at any of the company's partner hotels nationwide, by using the code "RELO" when booking a room.

An Annapolis designer whose family lives in Los Angeles is urging people to donate to the local fire department there.

A local firefighters union is donating $5,000 to its "members on the front line" in the International Association of Fire Fighters.

Under Armour is activating its partnership with the humanitarian organization Team Rubicon.

Also, Baltimore-based Reynaldo Vega, Community Disaster Program Manager of the Red Cross of the National Capital & Greater Chesapeake Region, was headed to California on Jan. 17. He will be performing community engagement and partnership work, supporting Red Cross relief efforts by working with external organizations to build capacity, coordinate activities, integrate expertise and provide channels to reach all disaster-affected communities in the weeks and months ahead, said the Red Cross.

This story may be updated.