The intense heat will come back in full swing through mid-week! Wednesday is the day when the heat will peak! Temperatures will rise 10-15° above normal, into the upper-90s. We will only be a few degrees away from the old record high temperature of 101° set back in 1948 at the BWI airport. Even if temperatures do not touch 100°, it's certainty going to feel like the triple digits, thanks to the high humidity! This level of heat will not only impact those who suffer from underlying heart/lung issues, but anyone who does not have access to adequate hydration and effective cooling are also at risk of experiencing heat-related illnesses.

After Wednesday, temperatures drop into the 80s. The humidity will remain elevated through Saturday before it decreases just in time for Labor Day!

#StevieDanielsWX #Heat
Instagram & TikTok: stevie_daniels_