WeatherWeather Blogs


Recapping the last five Thanksgivings

From warm to chilly to even seeing a few showers, Thanksgiving has seen it all...
thanksgiving past 5 years.png
Posted at 9:31 AM, Nov 20, 2023
and last updated 2023-11-20 09:31:14-05

BALTIMORE — It's T-3 days until Thanksgiving but as we enter this year's holiday week on a dry and brisk note, we recap just what we have seen over the last five Thanksgivings.

For the most part we have been pretty dry over the last five Thanksgivings with the only two years seeing rain being 2021 and 2020. The wettest of the two holidays was 2020 where we saw a paltry 0.08" of rain.

The warmest one we have seen was in 2020 as well. That year our high hit 70° well above our daily average in the low 50s.

Our coolest Thanksgiving was in 2018 where we hit a low of 25° but also our highs barely topped out in the 40s.

This year looks to be closer to an average day with more sunshine.

Have a safe holiday!