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Mountain Maryland's very own marmot forecaster

Queen City Charlie
Posted at 8:14 AM, Feb 01, 2024
and last updated 2024-02-01 08:40:12-05

MARYLAND — People are clamoring over what Punxsutawney Phil will predict, 6 more weeks of winter or early spring, but did you know that Maryland has its own prognosticating rodent?

In western Maryland, the City of Cumberland has its celebration with its own groundhog. The city looks forward to hosting the celebration each year as it helps bring some attention to Cumberland and its historic Downtown district. The event is held on the steps of City Hall starting at 6:45 AM where the mayor kicks it off. Their mascot then comes out when the sun rises around 7:30 AM to see what it calls for the rest of winter.

“We have our Queen City Charlie mascot that comes out to see if he/she sees a shadow and can predict what we’re going to have moving forward. Whether it’s 6 more weeks of winter or early spring. Past couple years it’s been an early spring, so we’ll see what happens this year,” says Melinda Kelleher, Executive Director of The Downtown Commission of Cumberland, Maryland.

After Charlie makes their prediction, eventgoers hang around Cumberland to explore the downtown area and check out the specials that local stores have for Groundhog Day. One bakery, that has been in the business for over 100 years, even celebrates with a groundhog cake. Other activities that take place include an award ceremony for students who submitted their drawing ahead of the event.

If you would like to watch the event live online, click here.