WeatherWeather Blogs


Low humidity is on the way

Temperatures & dew points drop slightly, but not for lone
and last updated

So far for the month of July we have see twice as many days above average compared to days that were seasonal. Not for the first half of this week though! Temperatures Monday drop about 2 degrees, taking us back to the 80s. It's not much, but you will appreciate it (especially when you see next weekends forecast)! This as a mild cold front moves through the area Monday. Models vary on the chance of rain it will bring Monday from 0-20%... I think it will be closer to 0%. The storm prediction center though thinks we could be dealing with storms, and they could be severe. So, I'll mention it. The greatest threat is damaging winds. However, I really think it could be a very isolated storm.


Behind the front on Tuesday we will see our driest day in a while. The sticky air goes on vacation and it is comfortable in Maryland! Plus we are still in the 80s! By next weekend though, we could be about 15 degrees warmer than normal, and the humidity will be unbearable. That means it will feel like the 100s! Plan a picnic, eat dinner outside, enjoy a leisure walk outside Monday thru Wednesday before the sweaty summer conditions return.
