BALTIMORE — We are dealing with our first hot day of the season as temperatures are expected to soar into the low 90s today. BWI and the city are expected to hit a temperature of at least 90° by this afternoon setting us up to see the first 90° day of the year.
Given the potential high heat this early in the season, there is potential danger for those sensitive to the heat and outside workers.

The new HeatRisk, tool that the National Weather Service and Centers for Disease Control created, shows us under a moderate risk for heat complications today. This new tool not only uses weather conditions but also takes into account the time of year this heat is occurring, the duration of the heat both during the day and night, and already studied effects heat has on the human body.
The moderate level shows that the heat will impact those who are sensitive to the heat and can cause potential issues if not monitored.

From the above legend, the moderate level is the second category on the scale for HeatRisk as it goes from Minor (level 1) to Extreme (level 4).
This will be an important tool to use as we head into the summer months when the temperatures begin to consistently stay hot and become a more common danger.
There is also a Spanish legend that explains the categories and their related impacts.
Abajo puedes encontrar la leyenda en Español explicando los niveles del riesgo de calor. Por Lunes (el 29 de Abril), estamos en el nivel de moderado por el calor que estamos esperando durante el dia.