Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz has announced that he will budget the funds for an entirely new building for Dulaney High School in the FY2019 budget.
After the school has endured several infrastructure issues, Kamenetz says the need of more than an additional 1,000 high school seats justifies the construction of an entirely new building.
In a letter to Baltimore County Public Schools Interim Superintendent Verletta White, Kamenetz wrote:
"Dear Superintendent White:
We initiated Baltimore County's Schools for Our Future program to solve the dilemma of rising enrollment and the burden of maintaining some of the state's oldest schools. While committing record sums for school renovation, we also reserved replacement construction to those schools where we could add additional seats or consolidate older schools.
The current data suggests a need for more than 1,000 additional high school seats in the central corridor. This data would financially justify construction of a replacement for Dulaney High with a State Rated Capacity of 2300 seats.
Accordingly, this will be my intention as we draft the upcoming annual budget.
Thank you for your continuing partnership as we all work together as part of Team BCPS.
Very truly yours,
Kevin Kamenetz
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