A Montgomery County community remembered a man who was shot to death in Baltimore while visiting a friend on South Calvert Street.
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24-year-old Abdoulie Jallow was a man of few words who touched many hearts.
“Really loving but also very powerful at the same time,” his friend
Yonathan Yosef said. “When it mattered he always spoke up.”
On Thursday friends and family came together for a candle light vigil and walk at Sherwood High School in Olney.
A grandfather’s worst nightmare- seeing their young grandson laid to rest.
“Speaking on behalf of my grandchild is tough, It’s really tough,” Jallow’s grandfather told the crowd. “I pray for all victims of violence.”
His girlfriend of 3 years Kami Gahima holding the crushing feeling of losing a best friend and love.
“He was someone who made me feel hopeful about living in this world,” said Gahima. “He really honestly and truly embodied everything that was good in this world.”
A community nearly an hour away from the city of Baltimore—getting a close up look at the violence that plagues it.
“Everything you do everywhere you go you have to be cautious because the devil has many faces,” Jallow’s friend Otis Brobbey said. “People will provoke you, people will tempt you, you just got to be calm you have to just be calm.”