The U.S. Department of Transportation is putting $6 million toward revitalizing Penn Station - one of two projects in Maryland to benefit from President Biden's large infrastructure package this year.
The $6 million will be part of a $150 million redevelopment of Baltimore's 111-year-old train station over the next few years.
The federal funding will go toward improving access to the station, including dedicated bus lanes on Charles Street, curb extensions at about 10 bus stops on Charles and St. Paul, access improvements to the Jones Falls Trail (which is part of bicycle and pedestrian connectivity), traffic signal adjustments and crosswalk improvements, replacement of bridge railings, installation of interactive kiosks, public plaza improvements, and a secure bicycle parking facility.

The press release noted:
"Twenty-six percent of the population in the project area are living below the poverty line, and more than twenty percent of the population do not have access to a vehicle. The project is also part of a greater local transit-oriented development strategy that supports fiscally responsible land use. Innovative components of the project include kiosks with real-time traveler information, emergency communications, and multilingual options."
U.S. Secretary Pete Buttigieg announced today that the Biden-Harris administration is awarding $26.5 million toward Penn Station and the New Carrollton multi-modal station in Prince George's County.
Buttigieg said in a statement the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) program will modernize "America's transportation systems to make them safer, more affordable, more accessible, and more sustainable. Using funds from President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, this year we are supporting more projects than ever before."