ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Outgoing Governor Larry Hogan on Wednesday honored two police officers and a father-son duo for their efforts in saving a pilot who crashed a plane into Beards Creek.
It was December 26 when Steve Couchman, 71, took-off from Lee Airport when the engine on his aircraft began sputtering.
He somehow was able to avoid colliding into surrounding homes and instead landed in the icy creek in Edgewater.
As his plane was sinking Couchman stood on the plane's wing to avoid drowning or freezing.
John Gelinne and his son, John Jr., saw the entire thing and hopped into their kayaks to make the save.
RELATED:Local family rescues aircraft pilot after crash landing in ice covered water
The two used shovels to crack enough ice to get to Couchman so he could stay afloat, until a Natural Resources Police officer got on scene to pull him onto another boat.
As can be seen in the video below, Anne Arundel County Police officer Elizabeth Myers also sprang into action by jumping into a kayak and using screw drivers to maneuver her way through the icy waters.
All four were issued Governor's citations during Hogan's last Board of Public Works meeting.
To watch the full meeting click here.