Today we are expected to learn whether criminal trials for the six police officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray will be held in Baltimore City, or somewhere else.
Attorneys for those officers believe they can't get a fair trial in the city.
On Wednesday the city's Board of Estimates approved that surprise $6.4-million settlement, which the city plans to pay to Freddie Gray’s family.
The settlement is not supposed to have any impact on what happens in the criminal trials against the six officers, but a local attorney who has been following the case says it just might impact where the trials happen.
“You're going to have prospective jurors that undoubtedly will equate this very high settlement amount with the city's acknowledgement that the officers committed wrong-doings,” said the attorney, Warren Alperstein.
He said to move the trials out of Baltimore City, attorneys for the six officers do not have to show there's been overwhelming publicity on the case. Instead, they have to make the case to Judge Barry Williams that the publicity has affected the citizens of Baltimore -- who could be called to serve as jury members.