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A Randallstown woman is danger of being evicted due to billing dispute

A single mom is in danger of being evicted from her Randallstown apartment
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BALTIMORE COUNTY — A single mom and her kids are in danger of being evicted from an apartment they secured through a nonprofit program.

This is all because of a billing dispute she had no control over.

Kendra Mackall lives at the Carriage Hill Apartments in Randallstown. She's a part of a program through St. Vincent De Paul of Baltimore that helps women who were victims of domestic violence, mental health issues and chronic homelessness.

She says St.Vincent was helping her with rent, while she took care of the utilities.

"Because my income is so limited, because I don't have one, I don't have to pay any of the rent. Everything else I do have to pay. The utilities to Carriage Hill, BGE, gas and electric, all of those things I have to pay," said Mackall.

However, she eventually started to receive eviction notices. She was told she had to be out by July 10. Carriage Hill is owned by Morgan Properties.

She contacted the apartment complex to get answers.

"They said it's nothing you did, but Morgan Properties decided to cancel their contract with St.Vincent and the families have to find somewhere to go," said Mackall.

We reached out to Morgan Properties. They sent us a statement,

Since 2018, Carriage Hill Apartment Homes has leased three units to St. Vincent De Paul and have worked closely with them to accommodate their unique needs. Due to unfulfilled rental payments throughout the length of their lease agreements, all of which will have expired by July 9th, we will not be renewing these rental contracts
Ebonie Longus, Regional Manager of Morgan Properties

"The leases aren't in our names, so there is only so much we can do," said Mackall.

A spokeswoman from St. Vincent De Paul of Baltimore says they are doing everything they can to help the families affected find housing.

The spokeswoman went on to say there were four families affected. She says they secured housing for one, but are working to secure housing for three others.

She sent us a statement saying:

St. Vincent De Paul of Baltimore successfully leases apartments and provides rental assistance to over 300 households affected by homelessness each month in Baltimore City and County. In this instance, due to a number of challenges with the lease arrangements—including disputes about the rental amounts that were claimed to be owed—Morgan Properties elected not to renew leases for four apartments that we have been leasing to assist families. We are in the process of relocating the four affected families into new apartments, and one family has already been placed into a new unit. We are well into the process of securing new leases for the remaining three families and anticipate being able to move them very soon. SVDP remains committed to serving Baltimore residents who are impacted by homelessness and housing insecurity. It is not always an easy process and there are times when we, unfortunately, must relocate clients to new units to assist them in remaining housed. We are very sympathetic to the stress that these four transfers may cause for the families involved and will continue to support them through the process. We will make sure each family is successfully transitioned to a new unit without an eviction taking place.
Colleen Doyle, Marketing and Communications Director of SVDP

Mackall is a mother of three. Her 16-year-old daughter and her 8-year-old son who has autism live with her. She is terrified.

"My children, I'm trying to keep things hidden from them, but kids are very in tuned, so I'm telling them that everything is going to be ok. Mommy always fix it, but they pick up on my energy and it caused their health to decline," said Mackall.

Mackall is hoping she will have a place to stay in July. In the meantime, she's created a GoFundMe to raise money for moving expenses and temporary housing, if needed. To contribute, click here.

She also says she will be going to eviction court on July 6 to see what can be done.