Working For Your Health


The science behind sleeping positions

Posted at 2:54 PM, May 08, 2020
and last updated 2020-05-08 14:54:28-04

ORLANDO, Fla. — Do you snore? Experienced periods where you stopped breathing or awake with dry mouth?

It could mean that you aren’t sleeping well and it is leading to sleep apnea, but that can all go away if you change the way you lay.

Do you sleep on your stomach, back or on your side? Which way is best? Some sleeping positions offer more benefits than others.

The fetal position is the most popular way to sleep as 47 percent of Americans sleep like this. While it gives your spine rest, research shows that sleeping on your side helps to clear the waste in your brain that can lead to Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. Like your arms by your side? The log position helps cut down on sleep apnea and reduces neck and back pain but avoid laying on your stomach.

Though the freefall is the second most popular position, it can lead low back and neck pain and leads to more tossing and turning all night long. And your back isn’t safe either. The soldier causes not only snoring, but also thickening of the carotid artery.

This position is also not safe for women in late pregnancy, but it does keep your head, neck, and spine in a neutral position while also being the best position for heartburn.

Bottom line: the science says side sleeping is the best sleeping for your health.

If you are someone who enjoys the log position, place a soft pillow or folded blanket between your knees while you rest to ease the pressure on your hips.