

What's Left of February?

Here's a Look at What's Left of Winter

Could We Reach 70°

February's last weekend will have a Spring feel. Temps are expected to make a run at the 70s both Saturday & Sunday and remain above average well into next week.

The tricky part of the forecast will be the cloud cover, which is expected to impact our Saturday and Sunday high temps. Saturday is expected to start off sunny and then cloud up towards the evening.

Our best chance to hit 70° on Saturday will be BEFORE the clouds take over. By Saturday evening, the mostly cloudy skies will also come with a chance of isolated rain into lasting into Sunday morning.

Sunday is expected to start off mostly cloudy and not as cold since overnight clouds can work as a blanket to hold in the heat from the day before. Skies will eventually clear up by the afternoon giving us another chance at reaching 70°. The record for Sunday is 72° set back in 1997.

What Comes Next?

This Spring like pattern is expected to hold up for much of next week through the end of February. Temps will average 10° - 15° above average during this time. The first week of March on the other hand looks interesting, and the complete opposite of what we're seeing now. We'll keep you posted, but for now "I'd declare Winter over."

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