
PATTERN CHANGE: Weekend Without Big Rains

We turn off the rain and turn up the heat...
PATTERN CHANGE: Weekend Without Big Rains
PATTERN CHANGE: Weekend Without Big Rains
PATTERN CHANGE: Weekend Without Big Rains
PATTERN CHANGE: Weekend Without Big Rains
PATTERN CHANGE: Weekend Without Big Rains
PATTERN CHANGE: Weekend Without Big Rains
PATTERN CHANGE: Weekend Without Big Rains
PATTERN CHANGE: Weekend Without Big Rains
PATTERN CHANGE: Weekend Without Big Rains
PATTERN CHANGE: Weekend Without Big Rains
PATTERN CHANGE: Weekend Without Big Rains
PATTERN CHANGE: Weekend Without Big Rains
and last updated

The relentless wet weather pattern finally releases it grip after a 6-8 week stronghold. Since the beginning of May we have had over foot of rainfall most of which coming during the last several weekends. The script looks to change though for the second half of June and even into early July. All indications are that hotter and drier weather will be moving on in.

Father's Day Weekend is where it all begins. Saturday will be a bright day with temps warming into the mid to upper 80s. Humidity will remain low as high pressure parks itself right over head. Things change though for the Father's Day holiday ahead though.

You may be thinking rain and yes we will have a small spotty thundershower chance but more sunshine and temperatures punching back into the 90s will prevail.

The last time we had temperatures this hot was back in the end of May this year. So I think we are little overdue for some summertime heat. The muggy meter will also start to climb as the high gives us southwesterly flow dragging in moisture from both the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico.

Looking back at the last 5 years when it come to Father's Day it's not uncommon to see the heat. The last 4 Father's Day holidays have featured temperatures in the 90s with dry conditions. So we are right on par this year with that with highs forecast in the low 90s and tons of humidity. With that said some easy gifts for Dad would be a water bottle or maybe a cool kiddie pool to relax by.

If that's not your fancy how about taking Dad to the beach or mountains where temperatures will sit comfortably in the upper 70s with plenty of sunshine. Just remember the sunblock as the UV Index will be  running around a 10 for burn times in 20 minutes or less. 

The heat dome really takes control by the beginning of next week. Some locations could reach near 100 degrees during the afternoon hours with feel like temperatures closer to 105-110 degrees.

Since it's been a little while since we have seen the heat remember a few of these safety tips below. 

Most of all stay hydrated with plenty of water and enjoy the time outdoors since this "ALMOST TOTALLY DRY" weekend has been in the making for quite sometime with hopefully more to come as we enter into the Summer season ahead.