

HIGH HEAT-Feeling Like 110 Degrees This Week In Baltimore

A prolonged period of dangerous heat this week..
and last updated

If you thought Sunday is hot wait until you see the rest of the 7 day forecast. Monday will provide us with some temporary relief from the big heat and humidity as high temperatures sit just shy of 90 degrees. Unfortunately though it doesn't last as the heat and humidity return Tuesday afternoon. Highs Tuesday will be in the low to mid 90s with heat indices values pretty similar.

Even hotter conditions arrive Wednesday with highs around 93-96 and feel like numbers over 100 degrees. Even though high pressure is in control the increased heat and humidity values will allow some storms to pop during the afternoon hours. Wednesday and Thursday will be the best days for rain as a few impulses of energy and what's left of Barry roll through.

Once we are past Thursday the high strengthens even more which sets the stage for the big heat to move in. Highs Friday, Saturday, and Sunday will be between 95-100 degrees with humidity values making it feel like 105 degrees +. A shower or storm cannot be ruled out but really don't look to do much in cooling us down.

As always we stress to take precautions when it comes to the heat. Of course you wanna stay hydrated with plenty of water and limit any strenuous activity to the morning/evening hours. Check on elderly friends and neighbors and don't forget the pets this time of year. With all that said we still have heat related safety issues when it comes to the car and hot surfaces below.

Year after year we do stories of young children and pets being left behind in hot cars. It's simple "Look Before You Lock". Enclosed areas such as a car at a temperature of 90 degrees outside within 30 mins could topple 124 degrees with all of the windows up. These types of temperatures can be deadly hence why we stress the point to check the backseat or make a reminder of sorts to never leave anyone behind. It's easy and will take less than a minute to do so.

Besides hit cars we have hot pavement below. Over the last few years we have seen issues with dogs having burned paws and people picking up on serious burns to the feet at the beach on hot sand. Research from the University of Maryland has shown that surfaces such as blacktop, sand, and concrete can be well over 120 degrees with an air temperature of 90 degrees. If your walking around the pool or down at the beach put the sandals on. For fido of course walk him/her early or during the evening hours. Also try to keep your pets on the grassy/dirt surfaces to avoid the burns.

Long range trends suggest the heat lingering through mid July before a drastic cooldown at the end of the month. Precipitation chances also look to be suppressed as the ridge stays firmly in place.

Hey it hot why not embrace it, since it is Summer after all!! Stay safe and stay cool out there the next few days ahead.