

Oriole Adam Jones discusses lack of National Anthem protests in MLB

Calls baseball "a white man's sport"

NFL players followed 49ers quarterback Colin Kapernick's lead Sunday, taking a knee in protest to the national anthem. It's caused quiet a stir during the preseason, but the protest has not made its way to Major League Baseball.

Baltimore Oriole Adam Jones spoke to USA Today Sports about why that might be the case:

"We already have two strikes against us," Jones said. "So, you might as well not kick yourself out of the game. In football, you can't kick them out. You need those players. In baseball, they don't need us."

"Baseball is a white man's sport," Jones added in the interview. He also went on to say that people are only standing for the national anthem because they're told to, not that they have an understanding of the meaning or sacrifice behind it.

To read the full interview with USA Today Sports, click here.

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