

Local travelers react to Brussels attack

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It was nearly 4,000 miles away but the attack in Brussels is on the minds of many in Maryland. 
"You try to be more aware of it as you're moving about but there's not a whole lot you can do about it," Vince Sbara said. 
Sbara was among the thousands who passed through Baltimore's Penn Station Tuesday afternoon to continue on with their regular travel plans. 
Most of the passengers we talked to mentioned staying alert but also trusting security and police. 
"It's tragic. It's unfortunate. But the thing that concerns me the most this time is that I'm seeing less and less of it in terms of reaction. I think it's just become part of the norm which is pretty scary for me," Sbara said. 
There can be scary moments for parents too following an attack of this magnitude. Ursula Carter brought her son to BWI for a flight. She said she was careful not to tell him about what happened. 
"Of course he's traveling alone today so when I thought about it, that's the first thing I thought of. Then they also said they were beefing up security here in the us so it was a concern," Carter said. 

Airport representatives say they work closely with federal and state security and law enforcement. but that they consistently operate with a high level of security and vigilance. 
They said there are some measures you may see and others you might never notice.  
"I think the best thing we can do is just keep living our normal lives and being the good loving people that we are and hope that everyone else around the world can do the same thing," Kelly Siegel-Stechler said as she waited for her train back to New York City at Penn Station.
According to state officials, Marylanders can expect to see more police and canine explosion detection patrols throughout the entire transportation network.   

"In the wake of the horrific attacks today in Belgium, we are taking every precaution to keep Maryland citizens safe and secure. In particular, there will be a more visible law enforcement presence at the airport, train stations and other mass transit locations around the state. I encourage all Marylanders, especially those traveling, to remain vigilant and aware of their surroundings at all times. If you see something unusual or unsettling, please report it immediately," Governor Larry Hogan said.