

Goucher Poll looks at key statewide policy issues

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A new Goucher Poll looks at several key issues impacting Maryland residents.

The topics including increasing the minimum wage to $15 per hour, legalizing recreational marijuana, raising the age for tobacco use, banning Styrofoam containers, and legalizing a bill that allows terminally ill patients to be given medication that allows them to die in their sleep if they choose.

Here's a breakdown of the survey:

  • 66 percent support raising the minimum age for the sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products and 31 percent oppose it.
  • 67 percent support raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour and 30 percent oppose it.
  • 57 percent support legalizing the recreational use of marijuana and 37 percent oppose it.
  • 63 percent support a statewide ban on Styrofoam products such as food containers, plates, and cups and 31 percent oppose it.
  • 62 percent support the proposed “aid-in-dying” bill and 31 percent oppose it.

Marylanders polled were also asked about how much money is spent on public education:

  • Too little: 64 percent
  • About the right amount: 24 percent
  • Too much: 7 percent

The same people surveyed were asked about racial justice issues across the state of Maryland:

  • 39 percent of all Marylanders agree that “people of all races receive equal treatment by the police in your community.”
  • Among African Americans, 18 percent agree.
  • Among whites, 47 percent agree.
  • 55 percent of Marylanders agree that “racial minorities face discrimination on the job or at work in Maryland.”
  • Among African Americans, 69 percent agree.
  • Among whites, 47 percent agree.
  • 53 percent of Marylanders agree that “race relations in Maryland have gotten worse over the past few years.”
  • Among African Americans, 54 percent agree.
  • Among whites, 54 percent agree.
  • 24 percent of Marylanders agree that “the criminal justice system in Maryland treats whites and blacks equally.”
  • Among African Americans, 10 percent agree.
  • Among whites, 30 percent agree.
  • 63 percent of Marylanders agree that “racism is a big problem in Maryland today.”
  • Among African Americans, 72 percent agree.
  • Among whites, 58 percent agree.

Marylanders participating in this Goucher Poll also have concerns about pollution in the Chesapeake Bay"

  • 62% of residents rate the health of the environment in Maryland as either “poor” or “fair."
  • 36% rate it as “excellent” or “good.”
  • 86% “very” or “somewhat” concerned with pollution in the Chesapeake Bay
  • 13% “not at all” or “a little” concerned about the Bay.

Here's a link to Part One of this poll. Part Two will be released Tuesday.