

Bill proposes tickets for driving slow in left lane


A bill proposes ticketing drivers for driving slow in the left lane.

Frederick County Del. William Folden introduced a bill that would affect numbered highways with at least three lanes going in the same directions, and a speed limit of at least 55 miles per hour.

This bill would affect the Beltway, Route 50 and Interstate 270.

Ticketing would not apply during rush hour, when traffic is bottled up, or if a driver is about to turn or exit from the left lane.

This measure has cleared the house and now awaits a vote in the senate.

Folden posted about the bill on Facebook.

"This bill will bring Maryland in line with 39 other states that have similar traffic strategies to encourage a more fluid traffic movement without bottlenecking what is already the second worst traffic congestion in the country," he said.

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