

Cracking crabs and saving lives

Turning Point Project holds fundraiser for addicts
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It might be fall, but Friday, the people of Harford and Cecil counties picked crabs.
But it wasn't an end of summer bash; it was a gathering for those affected by and dealing with   addiction.

Shawn Martin with the Harford County Health Department organized the event to help those with addiction. 

All proceeds went to Turning Point, an organization that prides itself on providing resources to those dealing with addiction.

Morgan Pagels works for Turning Point,

"I was 19 when I got clean and sober."

She didn't use Turning Point, but she's seen the dangers of addiction up close especially when opioids and heroin are involved

"So many people have not gotten a chance so being able to give them that chance to other people and to have families have that peace of mind is the greatest gift for me," she told ABC2.

Christopher Nevins has been clean for 7 months.  He says it's fundraisers like these that helped save his life. 

"I don't think i would've been able to make it into a half way house without Turning Point."

And his story is like so many others, many who turned to drugs, but have beat addiction like Martin,

"People are dying, we just don't want people to die we just want them to live.  There's more to life than using drugs on a daily basis."

It takes $500-$600 dollars to fund one person's sober living expenses. While Friday's fundraiser looked like a festive evening, it raised upwards of $6,000 dollars; all of it going towards second chances.

"Without Turning Point I wouldn't be at the house I'm at today, I wouldn't have met some of the people that I've met that have helped me through this.  Turning Point made the start of my recovery possible," said recovering addict, Zach Strickland.

Click here for more information on what Turning Point does.