A retweet sent out by Baltimore County Schools superintendent Dallas Dance Wednesday was getting backlash from some parents.
Dance retweeted a tweet from Josh Starr, CEO of the education association Phi Delta Kappa International, in which he urged educators to show non-white students love.
Educators: tomorrow pls show your muslim, black, latino, jewish, disabled, or just non-white St's, that you love them and will protect them!
— Josh Starr (@JoshuaPStarr) November 9, 2016
Dance retweeted Starr's tweet the day after Donald Trump was elected president. Trump's comments throughout the election about minorities including Muslims, African-Americans and Mexicans angered some voters who accused him of racism.
Del. Joe Cluster tweeted a response Thursday, saying he would be asking for Dance's resignation.
"As superintendent of Schools you represent all children and should make them all feel safe," Cluster said.
A handful of parents called ABC2 News, complaining about the retweet.
In a statement, Dance said he is focused on equality and making sure all students feel welcome and supported.
Here is his statement in full:
As the Superintendent of one of the largest most diverse school systems in our country, I always lead from an equity lens with an intense focus on all student populations and ensuring they feel welcome and supported. Education is not void of politics and during the last two years, our country has had one of the most divisive campaigns in modern history. Comments were made that disenfranchised several groups of students we serve in Baltimore County Public Schools.
As our nation moves forward, it is our collective responsibility to make sure all students feel safe and know we are their advocates. As I continue leading our school system and as a member of several educational organizations, my continued focus is to work with local, state and national government representatives to move public education forward for all students.
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