

Working animals visit BMI


Some hard-working animals were the center of attention Sunday at the Baltimore Museum of Industry.

A number of service animals and their handlers were out trying to get people familiar with the animals and get a better understanding what they do. Groups that were represented at the event was the Mid-Atlantic D.O.G.S. Search and Rescue, Baltimore City Sheriff's Office K-9 Unit, Guiding Eyes for the Blind's Maryland chapter, and Valor Service Dogs.

Volunteer "puppy coaches" raise and train the dogs to bring comfort and protect public safety at hospitals, airports, courthouses, and on the streets. During their training puppies can learn about 80 different commands including opening and closing doors and recognizing stress and anxiety associated with PTSD.

"It's so amazing to watch these dogs work and to train them, they are absolutely brilliant. He is way smarter than I could ever be." Said Debbie Honick, with Guiding Eyes for the Blind. 

Nonprofits like Valor Service Dogs provides service dogs at no cost to eligible veterans nationwide.