The Maryland woman that was shot in the eye during the Las Vegas massacre is expected to have another surgery.
Tina Frost is at Johns Hopkins Hospital where she's been recovering for the past week, and her family says she's still being a fighter.
Frost is preparing for her third surgery that is expected to happen either Tuesday or Wednesday. She had her second surgery at Johns Hopkins last Thursday.
According to an update from her family, Frost has been running a fever for the past couple of days. They say she spiked a fever of 102.5 on Friday and hasn't really been responding because of the medicine she's been receiving.
But her doctors say they aren't too alarmed. They told the family that it is normal to have a fever after certain surgeries, like the six-hour one she had on Thursday.
To help with Frost's medical costs, there is a gofundme campaign. So far, it has raised more than $579,000.