

Gray family attorney speaks out

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One word; guilty could have sent him to jail for 30 years.  Two words; not guilty set Officer Caesar Goodson, Jr. free. He drove the van transporting Freddie Gray just days before his death.
Goodson could be seen hugging family and friends after the verdict came down.  Gray's family is still after justice.
Billy Murphy, the Gray family's attorney, held a news conference Thursday.  During it, he spoke on behalf of the family, saying they still support the efforts of Baltimore State's Attorney, Marilyn Mosby to keep law enforcement accountable and to reduce police brutality.
But, frustration still looms over the recent acquittals of Officer Edward Nero and now, Goodson.
"Even though the family gives its 100 percent support to one of the most courageous prosecutors in the US, Marilyn Mosby...They are nonetheless disappointed," Murphy said.
Murphy is referring to Freddie Gray's family.
"Can you imagine losing a son under circumstances shrouded basically in secrecy?  Can you imagine the frustration that nobody yet has been found culpable or liable something that somebody did."
Something Murphy says may be easier to do if cameras are allowed in the courtroom.
"The public has the right to see for its self why this was a not guilty verdict and whether that was the appropriate verdict in this case," Murphy said.
Now, the family waits patiently for  what they're calling justice for their son and urges the community to do the same.
"People should be calm, they should not react with unreasonable anger, they should be no disturbances in the wake of this trial and they hope for justice."
Lieutenant Brian Rice is next to go on trial.  All of the officers have pleaded not guilty.  Rice is charged with manslaughter in connection to Gray's death.  His trial is set to start in early July.