For the second year in a row, Baltimore tops Orkin's Top 50 Bed Bug Cities list.
The list is based on treatment data from the metro areas where Orkin performed the most bed bug treatments from December 1, 2016 – November 30, 2017.
The ranking includes both residential and commercial treatments.
Baltimore was number 1, followed by Washington, D.C., Chicago, Los Angeles, and Columbus, Ohio.
"The number of bed bug infestations in the United States is still rising," says Dr. Tim Husen, an Orkin entomologist.
According to a 2015 "Bugs without Borders Survey" by the National Pest Management Association, the top three places where pest professionals report finding bed bugs are apartments/condominiums (95%), single-family homes (93%) and hotels/motels (75%).
"Any type of home is prone to bed begs. It has nothing to do with sanitation. We have treated for bed bugs everywhere, from newly built upscale homes to public housing," Husen says.