

500 injured after Las Vegas massacre, Red Cross in Maryland steps in to help

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Blood has been a big concern since the shooting that's being called the deadliest in U.S. history.  It happened in Las Vegas and now there's a shortage and many of the more than 500 people injured are in need of it.

 Every 2 seconds someone is needs blood. Monday, people lined up for hours in Las Vegas to help  those victims.  Here in Maryland, The Red Cross is always ready to act.

"This is a process that The Red Cross is constantly preparing for and unfortunately it's something we're responding to now," Garrett Reid of The American Red Cross, told ABC2.

The initial terror of an active shooter situation is over but as hundreds recover, the need for life saving blood is increasing.

"We have provided 250 units to local hospitals in Las Vegas and were awaiting to supply more should the need arise," said Reid.

The main way the red cross fills that need is through blood drives.  But a donor never knows where their life saving blood will land. 

Reid continued, "We do collect and supply hospitals all over this country so as a Maryland resident myself the likelihood of donating here locally and having it go to Las Vegas is unknown."

Red cross representatives say there are already crews on the ground and expect specific drives to help with the blood shortage there.

"I can imagine that there will be specific drives to help with the aid for patients but one of the good things this does is raise awareness," Reid said.

The Red Cross is always in need of blood especially after tragedies.

Click here for information on how to donate or volunteer.