

Former U.S. Senator Joe Tydings speaks out about just released Kennedy files

Tydings: Decision to release files all "political"

Some 2800 files pertaining to the Kennedy assassination were released Thursday.
President Trump maintains the decision was in an attempt to foster transparency.  But former U.S. senator, Joseph Tydings has a different take. 

Tydings' Washington apartment isn’t an homage to the Kennedys but it wouldn't take much to find a picture of members of the iconic family; many of which feature Tydings standing shoulder to shoulder with the nation’s 35th  president.

Tydings explained one of his favorite pictures.

"That probably was that first night that he came across in Chestertown when we winked at each other about all the phonies who wouldn’t endorse him but then they were all there to get their picture taken with him."

Tydings is a former U.S. Attorney and senator. He was also a close friend of the Kennedys, particularly Robert and J.F.K.

"I resigned to run for the United States Senate at President Kennedy’s request the day he was assassinated," said Tydings.

Longtime acquaintances, Tydings saw the president just days before that fateful November day in 1963.

"The U.S. Marshall dashed in as I was with my assistants I had six assistants U.S.attorneys and he said the president has just been shot."

He reflects about the just released of the formally secret Kennedy assignation files. 

"There’s no question in my mind that there was one assassin, who was up in a window named Lee Harvey Oswald."

Leaving in his mind, no room for vast conspiracy theories.

"The chief federal law enforcement officer of the U.S. was the brother of the slain president, Robert Kennedy no way he was going to let anyone get away with anything," Tydings said.

Tydings recalls the character of the president.

"He had a great sense of humor fabulous sense of humor...He was an incredible charmer."

Tydings said he's disheartened by the decision to dredge up a dark time in America's history, the day Camelot died.

"The Kennedy assassination was so shocking, so unusual, considered so impossible with all the secret service the people couldn't believe it could happen. Trump ordering all the documents and the release that's purely political. "I think it’s very disrespectful to him.  I think it’s horribly political it’s really disgustingly political."

Tydings said Kennedy will never be defined by the release of confidential files but by words that defined an era.

"I like to go back to his inaugural address when his famous, famous words which resonated with me and I was there watching and he said, ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."

President Trump tweeted Friday that the remaining JFK files, originally held back because of sensitive information, would be released as well.

His reasoning?

To put any and all conspiracy theories to rest.