

Ruppersberger: 'chemical and biological weapons can't be tolerated anywhere'

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Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger said as a member of the Defense Appropriations Committee, he was notified by the White House before the missiles were launched. 

RELATED: US attacks Syrian military with missiles

In a statement Thursday, the congressman said:

"Chemical and biological weapons can't be tolerated anywhere in the world. The atrocities suffered by innocent civilians at the hands of al-Assad are despicable and impermissible. I hope that Russia and Iran stand by the international community in condemning Assad's use of chemical weapons and cooperate in finding an appropriate way forward.

We need a larger, thoughtful strategy to address the situation in Syria, including the defeat of ISIS. Earlier this week, I attended a classified briefing with Secretary Mattis and we discussed Syria and other national security issues. I have full confidence in his understanding of the issues and his leadership in the days ahead."

See also: Senator Ben Cardin reacts to strike on Syria