InvestigatorsMaryland Cold Cases


'The pain is terrible at times': Mother of Quayvon Johnson continues to seek justice

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BALTIMORE — "It was raining that day. I can still see the detective’s umbrella on my front porch. I replay it all time," said Chantelle Bentley, mother of Quayvon Johnson.

It's been four and half years since Bentley's son was murdered, but she remembers the notification like it was yesterday.

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"He asked me to sit down, and I said no, what's going on and he said there was an incident and Quayvon was stabbed and he didn't make it," said Bently.

Words this mother never thought she'd hear on June 2, 2018. Just hours before, she and Quayvon had just gotten her younger son Jemyri off to prom.

Bentley says when her 22-year-old left home that night, she never saw him alive again.

"I heard he was going to a party or at a party, then I heard it could've been a robbery," said Bentley. "I just, I don't know what happened."

Police are hoping anyone who saw something or knows what happened to Quayvon will come forward and help them solve the mystery.

Bentley says police told her he was found near McCullough homes. He had no shirt on, and his shoes were found nearby.

"How often do you think about him? Every day, all the time," said Bentley. "The most random think can make me think of him, anything an old song, an old TV show."

"He was shy. If you didn't know him, he was quiet, but when you got to know him, he was a goof ball, he was a clown. He liked to laugh, he was naturally funny," Bentley said.

While Bentley cherishes the memories she has of Quayvon, she'd like closure and for this painful chapter to end.

"The pain is terrible at time. At times it's worse than others. I've been to therapy. I've been to group therapy," Bentley said.

"Nothing will even bring him back but at least, at least can I get some justice for my family, for my son," said Bentley.