ANNAPOLIS, Md. — The Maryland Board of Nursing continues to play catch up with a backlog of applications for licenses and renewals, filed by healthcare workers throughout the state.
In the last two weeks, the board says they've successfully processed approximately 12,000 licenses and certificate renewals.
They also claim to have processed the approximately 9,400 initial applications for licenses and certifications that have piled up since December.
The background check process for a majority of those applicants is also now complete, according to the board.
This has delayed many newly graduated nursing students and active nurses, CNA's, and GNA's from getting the proper documentation they need to work.
RELATED: Healthcare workers out of work due to Maryland Nursing Board issues
One of the main causes stemmed from a December 4 cyber attack on the Maryland Department of Health website, which impacted the Nursing Board's ability to process any applications online.
MORE: Ransomware attack behind service disruptions at Maryland Health Department
Officials say the Board of Nursing is still understaffed by about nine-percent, as they continue to recover from the pandemic.
In the meantime, the Maryland Department of Health has reportedly contracted a vendor to provide temporary staffing support for the Board of Nursing, mainly to help with license and certificate applications and renewals.