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'I just want to know his name': Hereford family looking for Good Samaritan who helped during crash

Hereford family looking for Good Samaritan who helped during crash
and last updated

HEREFORD, Md. — A Hereford family is trying to track down the Good Samaritan who stopped to help a Zackary Zuruba after his car went off the road during Sunday’s winter storm. It happened just north of Casa Mia’s on York Road.

“It just happened so fast,” said Zackary. “I didn’t get his name. I was kind of just sporadic and in shock.”

Zackary and his family are all wanting to know the name of the mystery man who helped the 19-year-old as other drove by.

“I was shivering so he offered to take me to his car where it was heated,” said Zackary. “He went extra to make sure thing was that everything was okay that I got back with my parents.”

Zackary’s experienced slight injuries, nothing he can’t recover from. As for the Good Samaritan all that Zackary remembers is that the man told him he was on his way to his sister's house and that he talked about football.

“I just want to know his name,” said Zackary's mother Jennifer. “I just want say thank you for staying with my son because you didn’t have to. That simple action was greatly appreciated.”

It was appreciated so much Jennifer took to a Facebook community page to share the act of kindness.

“I was just sitting on it,” she said. “I really wanted people to know, and I’d love to connect with him.”

The post read:

“I know that this is a long shot, but I am hoping that my expression of gratitude reaches the gentleman that stayed with my son last night after he slid off the road. I heard you approach and ask him if he was ok when I was on the phone with him. He called me immediately after the accident in a state of shock. Thank you for letting him sit with you in your truck until my husband got there. I asked my husband if he had a chance to thank you but unfortunately, he did not with everything going on. My son mentioned that during your conversation that you stated that you weren’t even from around here but on your way to your sisters house…hopefully your sister is a member here and she will see this and thank you for me…Thank you sir, your actions were greatly appreciated.”

So far, no names have been left but there have been plenty of comments.

“It’s amazing what people are writing,” said Jennifer. “It’s a good reminder of being human and having that human connection.”

“I think everybody should take the time out of their day to help somebody,” said Zackary. “It creates a domino effect and makes everyone better.”