ANNAPOLIS, Md. — The recent report from Special Master Alan Wilner in the redistricting case received challenges from Fair Maps Maryland. They highlight claims of partisan gerrymandering and prove once again that the legislative map is unconstitutional.
Fair Maps Maryland is a non-profit organization dedicated to the termination of gerrymandering and the implementation of non-partisan redistricting.
Here are the petitioner's exceptions to the report:
- Petitioners presented evidence that claimed these districts aren't compact and that partisan political considerations led to District 33's final shape. The report ignores the petitioner's evidence and reached a conclusion contrary to governing legal principles.
- District 27 violates Article III, which requires that legislative districts of adjoining territory and give due regard for natural boundaries and the boundaries of political subdivisions. The report couldn't refute these challenges.
- The doctrine of legislative privilege doesn't bar Petitioners from challenging districts drawn as they were.