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Baltimore Police detective charged after allegedly assaulting officer at Chez Joey over the weekend

Posted at 5:26 PM, Nov 15, 2021
and last updated 2021-11-15 17:27:21-05

BALTIMORE — A Baltimore Police detective has been charged after allegedly assaulting another officer at Chez Joey over the weekend.

According to charging documents, officers responded to Chez Joey shortly after midnight on Sunday in reference to two people who refused to pay their tab with the business.

Those individuals were later identified as Detective Robert Burns and Bryan Hake.

One of the bartenders informed officers that the two had refused to pay their tabs. After police asked them if they could pay their tab, they said they weren't and even went on to say they already had paid it, to which the bartender stated that was not true.

They were asked to provide identification so the establishment could take the information down and file charges accordingly, but refused.

During this time, officers say they observed the detective holding a BPD identification card.

After pleading with the two for around half an hour, Detective Burns reportedly became more irate as the incident went on and attempted to push, pull and grab his way out of the establishment through the officers.

According to charging docs, during one of those incidents, the detective grabbed one of their jackets and attempted to shove him out of the way.

During this struggle, police say he ripped a sergeant's Baltimore Police jacket destroying the zipper and the name plate attachment area before stating, "get out of my face, I will destroy all of you!".

At this time, another detective arrived at the scene, withdrew his taser and pointed it at Detective Burns, stating "if you do not stop you are going to get tased!".

As detailed in the documents, a lieutenant arrived on scene and attempted to reason with Detective Burns, despite Burns still pushing and shoving.

The lieutenant explained to Detective Burns that if he left the establishment he would be arrested, to which Burns said "I'm calling your bluff!"

According to docs, the lieutenant stepped out of the doorway and the detective exited Chez Joey. He was then placed under arrest.