Fall is here and Baltimore City leaders hope you will join them Saturday, October 23rd to clean where you live.
More than 100 people living in Baltimore City have already signed up, to cleanup! If you register your cleaning activities with DPW you will get up to 5 bags to fill with trash.
To register call 311 or sign up using the BALT311 mobile app.
Bags will be available for pick-up, for those that have registered, at DPW’s Sanitation Yards located at 111 Kane Street from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. and at 2840 Sisson Street from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. through October 22, 2021, or until supplies last.
Make sure you bring your Service Request Number when you go to pick up or you won't get your bags.
Trash must be bagged and placed out for pick-up with weekly trash collections or you can take it to the city's residential drop-off centers.
This will not cover bulk trash, so making sure everything is bagged is key.
Due to the on-going pandemic Mayor Brandon Scott encourages everyone to get out, clean up but do it safely with a mask on if you are in a large group.