
Taking care of your scalp can lead to healthier hair

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Hair health starts with your scalp. We found lots of products claiming they can improve the condition of the skin on your noggin. 

But can these really help you leave bad hair days behind?

When Zachary Simons noticed his hair’s “get up and go” seemed to have “got up and went,” he went to his dermatologist. 

“I knew I needed to do something about it.”

After confirming health issues weren’t behind his hair problems, Zachary decided to try a shampoo, designed to remove build-up from his scalp.

From shampoos, to tonics and serums, we found dozens of new products like this on the market, all offering to improve the condition of your scalp.

Zachary said he started seeing a difference.

“My hair felt more volumized, more embodied. It’s a lot thicker than it used to be.”

Experts said scalp health products are the next big wave in the beauty industry. 

“This is all about the health of the skin on the scalp and that creates healthier hair,” said dermatologist Dr. Ellen Marmur.

Marmur said microscopic follicles on your head soak up the products’ ingredients. That’s one reason they may work, and one reason you may want to try a patch test with any new product. 

“Sometimes you can test it. These are the days when serums and masks can be used on the scalp, but they should never hurt, and they shouldn't sting.”   

Dr. Marmur said if you notice your hair has lost its luster, is thinning, or is falling out one might help, but see your dermatologist first to make sure you don’t have an underlying health issue. 

“I really want everybody to realize that just because now you have these treatments available at the drugstore, important things are found on the scalp.”

She said you have to make a commitment to a product to figure out if it’s really working.

“It’s not like instant gratification like dying your hair. If you start using a scalp solution that's promising better quality or growth you need to give it about three to six months.” 

Zachary stuck with his scalp product and said, "Honestly, there are no downsides”

Dr. Marmur said if you try a new product and it stings or burns, stop using it and return it

Health issues like hormone changes, thyroid problems, anemia and psoriasis can also cause hair loss and thinning.  That’s why it’s important to see your doctor for a diagnosis.