

Howard County gymnastics coach charged in federal court with child porn

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A Howard County gymnastics coach has now been charged in federal court with possessing and distributing child porn. 
Paul Daniel Bollinger, 56, of Windsor Mill could spend at least 20 years in prison if he is convicted. 
Last month, an undercover Baltimore County Police detective downloaded at least 10 movie files from Bollinger's IP address that contained child pornography.  On May 25, investigators executed a state search warrant at Bollinger's residence and seized a desktop computer, hard drives and other digital media that contained more than 47,000 images and videos of child pornography, child modeling and child erotica.  
Next to Bollinger's bed, detectives found over 100 pages of handwritten stories about "P" having sex with young children.  
He was charged last month in Baltimore County with possessing and distributing child porn. 
Bollinger has coached hundreds of children for more than 30 years. There were pictures of young girls in gymnastics leotards throughout his house.

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