BALTIMORE — Council President Brandon Scott wrapped up his final town hall on Thursday night.
He wants to change how the city is run and after his ninth and final town hall, not a single person at the town hall could say Baltimore has been run efficiently or effectively over the last 35 years.
Scott stressed the fact that we need change and highlighted some of the ways he plans to do that.
It includes requiring the city charter to be looked at every 10 years, making the board of estimates be elected officials only and giving the city control over the police department.
The biggest thing he covered on Thursday – public safety and what he called "the disease of gun violence on our streets."
"If we're gonna stop the tide of violence on the streets of Baltimore we have to deal with the supply of illegal guns and target people who are bringing these guns into our communities because they are just as guilty as everyone else," Scott said. "We have to attack on both ends. The side of those pulling the trigger and the people who gave them the trigger in the first place, so we have to do both."
Scott said part of the problem was not having a crime plan from the previous administration. He said he would like to force the mayor to submit a new plan every two years and that the also wants police districts to be re-drawn, saying they haven't been changed since the 1950s.