

Hung jury in William Porter trial


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Judge Barry Williams has declared a mistrial in the involuntary manslaughter trial of Baltimore Police Officer William Porter. 

The jury returned with a note around 2:45 p.m. About a half hour later, it was announced that jurors could not come to an agreement on all four charges Porter was facing. 

RELATED: Infographic of charges in Freddie Gray's death

The judge will hold a scheduling conference in his chambers Thursday to determine a new trial date for Porter. It is unclear at this point how the mistrial will affect the trials of the other five officers scheduled to go on trial for Gray's death, though it's likely it will push all of them back.

The second trial, that of Officer Caesar Goodson, is scheduled to begin Jan. 6. 

Shortly after the jury let out, protesters began to gather outside Courthouse East. 

Two demonstrators, including local activist Kwame Rose, were detained during the protests. Sheriff's deputies put Rose, who was using a bullhorn outside the courthouse, in handcuffs and brought him inside. 

A male juvenile was also detained.  

RELATED: Two demonstrators detained during protests

Porter was also charged with reckless endangerment, second-degree assault and misconduct in office in connection with the death of Freddie Gray. 

Complete Freddie Gray coverage here

The 26-year-old, who joined the department in 2012, took the stand in his own defense and told jurors he considered himself to be a fair police officer. 

RELATED: Things to know about William Porter

RELATED: A recap of William Porter's trial

Gene Ryan, president of FOP Lodge #3, sent out a statement saying Officer Porter is no closer to a resolution to his case than he was when he was charged May 1. 
"Our legal system, however, allows for outcomes of this nature, and we must respect the decision of the Jury, despite the fact that it is obviously frustrating to everyone involved.  Officer Porter and his attorneys will continue, with the full support of the Fraternal Order of Police, to press for his acquittal. While certainly nothing will return Freddie Gray to his family, we ask that the public continue to allow the judicial process to find its way to a final resolution," Ryan said.

The family of Freddie Gray asked the people of Baltimore to remain calm, and they thanked jurors for their hard work.

RELATED:Family of Freddie Gray asks city to remain calm

Several public officials, including Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, issued statements shortly after the judge declared a mistrial: 

RELATED: Mayor discusses hung jury

Hassan Giordano, former chairman of the NAACP Criminal Justice Committee, also released a statement Wednesday afternoon:

Justice was served when those responsible for the death of Freddie Gray were charged with crimes associated with his death; unfortunately, in this case, those charges were hard to prove based on there not being a 'smoking gun' so to speak. However, I hope this doesn't serve as a deterrent for SA Mosby's office continuing to seek justice by prosecuting law enforcement officers with the same force she would an average citizen, and I hope her office considers reopening the more transparent cases of police brutality and murder, such as in the cases of Tyrone West, Anthony Anderson and Dale Graham - each of whom were maliciously murdered by those who took an oath to protect and serve but weren't given their day in court because of a police-friendly prosecutor who failed in the quest for justice for all, not just for the boys in blues. 

RELATED: Former NAACP chairman issues statement on William Porter mistrial

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