

A rookie's experience with skeet shooting

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Thanksgiving and the days that follow are usually filled with the three F's: fun,food and family.

This year my family shared our normal Turkey holiday routine that involved lots of leftovers. Then we started a new tradition -- the first annual father/daughter weekend. 

Early Sunday morning my father, sister, cousin and her dad (my dad's brother) hit the road to take part in a skeet shooting adventure.The uncertainty in our stomachs was often paired with jokes from my dad and uncle on how we would perform.

"Have you ever been to shooting range before? Are you girls nervous?" -- were just some of the endless questions that never seem to settle our nerves as we sat quietly in the back seats on the New Jersey Turnpike drive.

As we grew closer, the anticipation of stepping out of my comfort zone excited me as we turned down a narrow road filled with high layers of grass.

Shortly before 11 a.m. we arrived to Assunpink, one of the largest state grounds in New Jersey.

Cold and a little tired, we unloaded three 12-gauge shot guns, two cases of skeets and slugs.

After taking a few moments of my Uncle Aaron and my dad laying the law of land, which included lots of safety tips, we got down to business. 

The father and son duo to the of right us were shooting several rounds before my uncle yelled to my dad, "Marvin who's going first?"

Hesitant, but excited to see who had inherited my grandfather's shooting technique, one by one we placed the shotgun heirlooms in hand. One-hundred-fifty rounds later, my cousin Tia and my sister Alaisha had the greatest success. 

Onlookers near by were amazed how easily they were striking their targets in mid air one right after another. Even I couldn't help but look to actions to take note.

I, on the other hand, realized after missing several of my marks that I may require a few more hours of practice.

Despite my oversight in aim, I  finally found success right before we packed up and struck my mark after discharging the shotgun twice.

I jumped and high-fived everyone, excited that I too had what it took to be a part of the newest family tradition.

While I am confidant we will continue the annual outdoor adventures, I am sure we won't wait until Thanksgiving to go skeet shooting again.

The family bonding time may have been without my late grandfather, Moses Green, but his memories and lessons live on in his son's daughters.

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