LifestyleMidday Maryland


That's My Word - Multiple Myeloma


Each year, approximately 35,000 people are diagnosed with multiple myeloma (MM) in the United States, and more than 20 percent of all cases occur in Black people. While MM is often diagnosed in people over 60, Black people are typically diagnosed 5-10 years earlier than other ethnicities.

Although patients within Black communities are less likely to have a more aggressive form of the disease, they are twice as likely to die from MM because it often goes undetected until it has spread or progressed. Early diagnosis, equal access to care and early treatment initiation are critical for Black patients to achieve better outcomes.

 Janssen Oncology has launched a national campaign, That’s My Word, to drive awareness and better health outcomes for MM among Black communities. That’s My Word is bringing together trusted voices among Black communities and aims to be a source of information through resources that are specifically for Black patients and their care partners. The campaign has issued a national call to action for Multiple Myeloma Promises – or pledges – to raise awareness and help create better MM health outcomes in Black communities.

Learn more and make your promise here.