We hear a lot about skin cancer at this time of year, and recently named Daily Record Physician of the Year Dr. Chesahna Kindred is here with some tips to protect our skin.
While the sun is the largest risk factor in skin cancer, it's not the only one. Age, a weakened immune system, and genetics can all be risk factors for skin cancer. It's also a myth that people with darker skin can't get skin cancer. While the risk is reduced, this myth contributes to people not getting moles or other skin irregularities looked at by a doctor, and skin cancer is more treatable when caught early.
you can reduce your risk by always using an approved sunscreen with at least 30 SPF, avoiding the sun at it's peak, and avoiding tanning beds. If you have a risk for skin cancer, schedule a yearly skin check as well, and always inform your doctor of any new moles or marks on the skin.
Learn more here.