LifestyleMidday Maryland


Home Rule Child Care

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As children return to school in the “new normal” of virtual learning or rotating schedules, parents are left wondering how they will be able to work full time and support their families.

Amidst the chaos and in a quest for a solution, families are turning to home-based childcare solutions as an alternative to crowded daycare facilities.

Home Rule Childcare is a fast-growing home-based childcare company offering parents in all 50 states the option to have their children cared for in their own homes. Home Rule offers much more than a typical babysitter. They also work with nanny-shares, allowing friends or neighbors to reduce childcare costs by sharing a caregiver, allowing the added benefit of socialization. All Home Rule employees are W-2 based, so parents don't have to worry about the headache of taxes or insurance.

Learn more here.