LifestyleMidday Maryland


GBMC - Healthy Bones Program

Posted at 2:39 PM, Aug 18, 2020

GBMC is introducing a new program to it's Orthopaedics department. The Healthy Bones Program for Osteoporosis and Fracture Prevention includes information, education, and a support group on bone health.

Osteoporosis can develop over years and is painless until a fracture happens. Half of women and a quarter of men will suffer a fracture due to osteoporosis in their lifetime. Risk factors include some medical conditions, medications, aging, and genetics.

Osteoporosis can be diagnosed via a bone density scan, X-ray, physical, and lab testing. People can prevent it by taking early precautions. Live a healthy lifestyle with lots of weight-bearing exercises and include plenty of calcium, vitamin D, and protein in your diet.

The Healthy Bones program includes a free monthly online group for support.

Learn more here.