UPDATE: The Harford County Sheriff's Office have arrested a second suspect in connection with Angello Osborne's murder. Anthony Sean Ross Jr., 30, has been charged with first-degree murder and other related charges. Ross was taken into custody at a residence in Baltimore after a brief standoff with police.
Almost a year has passed since a barrage of gunshots outside the Carriage Court Apartments in Edgewood claimed the life of 39-year-old Angello Osborne.
Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler says the victim was on FaceTime when the initial shot rang out, and over the months that followed, technology also pointed to 30-year-old Joe Ashley Jr. of Perry Hall as a suspect.

“After the gunshots, there was gray vehicle, a gray sedan with dark windows seen in the area,” said Gahler, “Our suspect who has now been charged in this homicide case---two things put him on the scene. His car, which was caught on an LPR, license plate reader, camera in the area, and more importantly, his ankle monitor.”
Investigators didn’t have to look far to find Ashley.
He was already being held behind bars in Baltimore County.
WMAR-2 News has confirmed that about six months after the Edgewood murder, Ashley led police on a high-speed chase in North Carolina ramming a highway patrol car.
Maryland sought his extradition for parole violations and outstanding drug charges.
Investigators in Harford County say Ashley didn’t act alone in the Edgewood murder, and they’re trying to track down additional suspects.
“We certainly know from the scene that there were multiple shell casings from several different weapons, I believe at least four different weapons, that were located in the area so that tells us there were multiple shooters,” added Gahler.
Anyone with information, which could help in this case is asked to call Detective Kevin Smith at 443-409-3576.