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Poll: 11% in Maryland pretend not to be home for Trick-or-Treaters

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BALTIMORE — We're under a week away from the Presidential Election.

Normally this time of year residents are overwhelmed with messages and phone calls from pollsters wanting to know which candidate they're supporting.

UMBC's Institute of Politics decided to switch gears for a moment and have a little fun.

Instead of asking political questions, they wondered how Marylanders are prepping for Trick-or-Treating.

Pollsters surveyed 1,003 state voters on two important questions...

  1. If a group of children came to your home to trick-or-treat, what comes closest to what you would normally do?
  2. At what age, if ever, does a child become too old to go trick- or-treating?

Fortunately for Trick-or-Treaters — 77 percent said they plan on handing out candy or treats.
Another five percent intend to giveaway something else.

However, there are 11 percent who will pretend to not be home when trick-or-treaters knock at their door.

As for when is someone too old for Trick-or-Treating — the answer is never — according to a 29 percent majority.

In second place — 21 percent indicated after 13-years-old.

See what our Good Morning Maryland team thinks...

GMM Team asks How old is too old for Trick-or-Treating?