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National Guard celebrates 175th Infantry Regiment in Dundalk

Maryland National Guard Pass in Review for 175th Regiment
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The 175th Regiment of the National Guard has been fighting for this country for a very long time.

"250 years is a long time, but it's not a long time in our nation's founding," says Major General Janeen Birckhead, Adjutant General of the Maryland National Guard.

The regiment was originally organized in 1774 as the Baltimore Independent Cadets, according to the National Guard.

"The National Guard, this regiment was there at the beginning," Birckhead says. "The importance of it is that it allowed time for General George Washington to come and save our country from the British."

Major General Janeen L. Birckhead, the Adjutant General, Maryland speaks to WMAR-2 News about the importance of celebrating the 175th Regiment.

The Regiment went on to play a role in most of America's major conflicts.

The National Guard celebrated the 250th anniversary of the 175th Regiment on Saturday with its annual Pass in Review, a ceremonial military tradition, which included soldiers marching in formation and soldiers being inspected by senior leaders.

"Why do we celebrate this? We celebrate this because of our freedom, our founding, our flag. All those things that mean so much to us, our freedom, our democracy is really in large part due to the 175th and what they did," says Birckhead.