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Mayor Scott unveils new Baltimore Peace Mobile

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BALTIMORE — There are at least 115 homicide investigations in Baltimore this year.

Those attacks don't just hurt families, they fracture communities.

Now city leaders hope their first-ever Peace Mobile will help heal those wounds.

RELATED: City leaders bringing Peace Mobile to Baltimore to help heal communities

It's a bus that brings resources into neighborhoods following a traumatic event.

They include counselors and group therapy sessions, as well as creative spaces where people can express their feelings.

The bus's first focus, helping parts of Frankford, Hollander Ridge, and Pulaski in Northeast Baltimore.

City leaders say they'll use data from 211, 311, and 911 to figure out the greatest areas of need.

"211 tells us what social supports people need. 311 tells us what quality of life issues a neighborhood is encountering. And 911 data tells us what emergency situations have happened in those neighborhoods," said MONSE Director Shantay Jackson.

The Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement, or MONSE, is overseeing the bus.

They say it's not a one size fits all.

The services offered are curated on a case by case basis to meet the needs of a specific community in that moment.