BALTIMORE — Brandon Williams, known for being a run-stuffer for the Baltimore Ravens, returned to Charm City. He wasn’t seen at M&T Bank Stadium. Williams was nine miles north of the Ravens’ nest with his wonderful family, unveiling a new lobby named after his son, Ryder Williams, at Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital Sunday afternoon.
This isn’t an ordinary humdrum ribbing cutting. The William's family contribution means more state-of-the-art equipment, medical supplies, and at-home equipment for children with chronic health conditions, including food, clothing, and special needs not covered by insurance.
"I get emotional every time I talk about it," says Brandon's wife, Alyssa Williams.

"We can't tell you guys in words what this hospital has meant to us. Coming in as rookies, and Ryder being a baby, and Brandon being gone and then finding out your kid has significant disabilities, is not easy. But quickly, the Ravens became family, and Mt. Washington became apart of our family in Baltimore. One of the first things that we found out was that Ryder could not chew food. So, we came here [Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital], and they started out with little Cheetos and little puff things. Quickly, we learned that he [Ryder] loved food. That was the start to our journey. As Brandon was working and I was home with children, I wanted to start giving back."